I have started this site to attempt to chronicle our boating adventures and allow friends and family to join us, at least on the web, as we cruise the waters of the Pacific Northwest.
Gary and I, and our dog Diesel, have been boating for 9 years.
Our boat is a 1989 34' Tollycraft Sedan named Channel Dancer. She is our summer home. We started boating when we moved to WA and have learned alot over the years.
We have traveled to Alaska 4 times and have circumnavigated Vancouver Island 5 times.
I have kept a computer journal on each of our trips but have never tried blogging. As I would make my daily entries I often wished I could let the folks at home know how much fun we are having right then and there!
My thanks for this new found ability go to a new e mail friend whose article I read in a boating magazine this fall. He and his family blogged their way to Alaska and he has given the confidence to give this a try.
So all this said, I am going to tell you about our latest adventure.
We like to take the boat to Victoria around Christmas time and we did again this year.